Author Profile

Jim Graham

Articles by Jim Graham

The social care phenomenon requires national solutions

By Jim Graham | 03 January 2017

Jim Graham claims political apathy towards social care over the years has created a country that ...

Working with purpose

By Jim Graham | 17 May 2016

With devolution and austerity making increasing demands on councils, Jim Graham warns such grand ...

(Health MJ) A tale of two sectors

By Jim Graham | 25 November 2015

Has the health service simply given up trying to balance the books while local government studiou...

'Devo Min'

By Jim Graham | 26 January 2015

Jim Graham takes a trip to the future and reveals how the local government scene is faring as the...

We must overcome vested interests in unitarisation debate

By Jim Graham | 27 February 2014

Warwickshire CC has voted by a majority to do further work on the proposition to consider unitary...

The geography of LEPland

By Jim Graham | 13 March 2013

Jim Graham says we can't all go for growth, despite Warwickshire CC and Coventry City Council bei...