Author Profile

Ian Miller

Ian Miller

Articles by Ian Miller

Significant procurement challenges lie ahead for districts

By Ian Miller | 07 July 2021

Procurement is likely to involved significant challenges for district councils now and in the yea...

Composting in gardens is better for the environment

By Ian Miller | 19 May 2021

If funding is less than the cost of free garden waste collection, households without gardens will...

Local elections 2021: The process demands too much of teams

By Ian Miller | 10 May 2021

Ian Miller ponders the impact of Super Thursday on the mental health of electoral teams, and says...

The dreamy world of local government

By Ian Miller | 30 March 2021

Ian Miller waxes lyrical on a local government sector transformed into a paradise of five-yearly ...

Local government settlement shows Government is not in listening mode

By Ian Miller | 09 February 2021

It is clear from the final local government settlement that the Government did not pay attention ...

The devolution waiting game

By Ian Miller | 01 December 2020

The Prime Minister has said that ‘devolution…should be used as a step to pass power to local comm...

The Government cannot keep kicking the can down the road

By Ian Miller | 12 October 2020

Despite manifesto commitments, there will have to be tax rises to repay that massive debt, writes...

We're not the 'parents'

By Ian Miller | 07 July 2020

District and shire county councils would all face abolition if the Government’s formula for the d...

The Government has moved away from undertaking to meet the pandemic's costs

By Ian Miller | 19 May 2020

The finances of districts and other councils, already under strain before the pandemic, may deter...

We need to be ready to cope with the next shock

By Ian Miller | 27 March 2020

When the opportunity to reflect comes, Ian Miller feels the conclusion may be reached that the UK...