Councils’ priorities are now focused on fighting coronavirus, says Ian Miller – and this urgently...
District councils need a broader range of fiscal devolution, starting with the taxes, fees and ch...
Councils must have regard to the MHCLG guidance on investments, says Ian Miller. But a power to g...
The proposed threshold of 2% for referenda on 'excessive' council tax increases is a retrograde s...
Ian Miller issues a call to arms to give councils freedom over council tax rises to truly 'turn t...
The opening of the Treasury's purse since the new Prime Minister came into office may augur well ...
The Treasury's proposals for a cap on exit payments need a radical rethink - and ministers must ...
Returning officer Ian Miller writes in a personal capacity about the lessons Government and the H...
When the dust settles on the UK's departure from the European Union there will surely be a formal...
A plethora of issues affecting districts keeps emerging from Whitehall, says Ian Miller - but mak...
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