Author Profile

Ian Miller

Ian Miller

Articles by Ian Miller

Councils need a breathing space

By Ian Miller | 23 March 2020

Councils’ priorities are now focused on fighting coronavirus, says Ian Miller – and this urgently...

Sharing of powers is not devolution

By Ian Miller | 12 February 2020

District councils need a broader range of fiscal devolution, starting with the taxes, fees and ch...

Don't seek to frustrate legitimate use of powers by the back door

By Ian Miller | 03 December 2019

Councils must have regard to the MHCLG guidance on investments, says Ian Miller. But a power to g...

Spending Round still leaves uncertainties

By Ian Miller | 09 October 2019

The proposed threshold of 2% for referenda on 'excessive' council tax increases is a retrograde s...

Scrap the cap on council tax

By Ian Miller | 05 September 2019

Ian Miller issues a call to arms to give councils freedom over council tax rises to truly 'turn t...

Districts are still waiting for those funding assurances

By Ian Miller | 20 August 2019

The opening of the Treasury's purse since the new Prime Minister came into office may augur well ...

It's time for a radical rethink on exit payments

By Ian Miller | 03 July 2019

The Treasury's proposals for a cap on exit payments need a radical rethink - and ministers must ...

Counting the costs of the 'break-neck speed' EU elections

By Ian Miller | 04 June 2019

Returning officer Ian Miller writes in a personal capacity about the lessons Government and the H...

Counting the costs of the EU Exit process

By Ian Miller | 15 May 2019

When the dust settles on the UK's departure from the European Union there will surely be a formal...

Counting the cost of Defra's waste plans

By Ian Miller | 26 March 2019

A plethora of issues affecting districts keeps emerging from Whitehall, says Ian Miller - but mak...