Author Profile

Robert Pollock

Articles by Robert Pollock

Will Gove strengthen the DLUHC's role in Whitehall?

By Robert Pollock | 19 January 2022

Levelling up runs through each department’s outcome delivery plans. If Michael Gove is successful...

Levelling up the UK's most unequal city

By Robert Pollock | 20 October 2021

Tackling inequality and promoting food justice are key priorities for Cambridge as the council as...

Where are the homes this winter?

By Robert Pollock | 21 October 2020

COVID has shown we need even more affordable housing and further government initiatives to tackle...

Councils v Coronavirus: plan beats no plan

By Robert Pollock | 07 September 2020

Coronavirus scenario planning exercises with councils have revealed insights into the types of de...

The Prime Minister must fix the Special Educational Needs funding system

By Robert Pollock | 16 August 2019

The system of ‘misaligned incentives’ for Special Educational Needs, with local government as the...

Social investing can achieve significant value for local taxpayers

By Vidhya Alakeson | 21 August 2018

Local impact investing provides a smarter alternative for councils looking to generate a return, ...

Devolving transformation

By Robert Pollock | 30 May 2017

An ecosystem is emerging outside of government which, Robert Pollock writes, is putting co-design...

An emergency shot in the arm for local health and care

By Robert Pollock | 01 March 2017

However controversial, reconfiguring hospitals is the right policy direction to resurrect health ...

Creating a smarter state

By Robert Pollock | 30 September 2015

Robert Pollock describes how innovation and collaboration will improve service delivery in the lo...

Whole-place planning

By Robert Pollock | 14 July 2015

Co-ordinated intervention means delivering better outcomes for people, as Robert Pollock explains