Author Profile

Baroness Sharon Taylor OBE

Articles by Baroness Sharon Taylor OBE

Tackling 'tumbleweed' towns

By Baroness Sharon Taylor OBE | 20 May 2024

Baroness Sharon Taylor looks at how to negotiate the barriers facing councils aiming to revitalis...

Hail our local heroes

By Baroness Sharon Taylor OBE | 25 March 2024

Councils have proven their mettle – now give them the trust and respect they deserve, writes Baro...

'Slim pickings and missed opportunities'

By Baroness Sharon Taylor OBE | 14 November 2023

Baroness Sharon Taylor reflects on the King's Speech, and says it's time to stop leaving councils...

Levelling up or power play?

By Baroness Sharon Taylor OBE | 18 September 2023

Baroness Taylor of Stevenage says the growth we need to see in our economy and improvement in the...

Ticket offices hit the buffers

By Baroness Sharon Taylor OBE | 17 July 2023

With a minimal 21-day consultation, 1,000 railway ticket offices around the country will be close...

Not quite levelling up

By Baroness Sharon Taylor OBE | 28 March 2023

Former Stevenage BC leader, now Labour Peer, Sharon Taylor says ministers should use the Easter r...