Barking and Dagenham LBC has appointed Chris Naylor to take on the top job at the council.
Mayors or combined authorities could be used to push greater accountability to boost cross-public...
As the agenda for devolution hurtles ahead at a pace for the Core Cities, the agenda for joined-u...
‘Unless we plan our futures together, we will both fail,’ was the stark message health secretary ...
The current system of council, combined authorities and LEPs is a ‘whole mess’ and ‘you would hav...
The County Councils Network (CCN) has issued a blueprint for ‘radical public sector reform’ in th...
The Better Care Fund could be overtaken by events, according to the president of the Association ...
Aberdeenshire Council has named Jim Savege as its new chief executive, replacing Colin Mackenzie.
Central government needs to massively scale back on statutory duties and give councils the chance...
Shadow communities secretary Hilary Benn has vowed to give county councils a raft of new powers i...
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