Author Profile

Heather Jameson

Heather Jameson

Heather Jameson is editor of The MJ, the leading weekly local government title for chief executives and senior managers, and of She is a regular speaker at both local government events and is co-host of the podcast Our World is Local. Heather was a member of the Councillors’ Commission, chaired by Professor Colin Copus of De Montfort University, and is a passionate advocate of local government.

Articles by Heather Jameson

Tories and Lib Dems are the big losers from the elections so far

By Heather Jameson | 23 May 2014

The local election results are so far proving to be bad news for the Conservatives and Liberal De...

Somerset CC announces new chief

By Heather Jameson | 21 May 2014

Somerset CC has appointed Pat Flaherty as its new chief executive.

Bring back watchdog urges equality group

By Heather Jameson | 21 May 2014

Women’s rights campaign group, The Fawcett Society, has called for the return of the Standards Bo...

Let's see some more women in local government

By Heather Jameson | 21 May 2014

Heather Jameson, editor of The MJ, argues local government should have a zero-tolerance attitude ...

GMB to ballot over strike action

By Heather Jameson | 16 May 2014

The GMB will hold an official strike ballot for council and school members after the 1% pay offer...

What price our councillors?

By Heather Jameson | 15 May 2014

What are councillors for?

LGA warning over council cuts

By Heather Jameson | 12 May 2014

Councils are ‘at the end of the road’ when it comes to efficiency savings, according to a survey ...

All is not lost for public sector transformation

By Heather Jameson | 08 May 2014

The sector awoke on Wednesday to the news the Better Care Fund had apparently been halted amid gr...

Lewis denies the Better Care Fund has been delayed

By Heather Jameson | 07 May 2014

Local government minister Brandon Lewis has denied plans to integrate health and social care have...

It's not all about the money

By Heather Jameson | 01 May 2014

It is all too easy to be fixated with finances in local government – or lack of them at least – w...