Author Profile

Dan Peters

Dan Peters

Articles by Dan Peters

New oversight body 'dead in the water' without legislation

By Dan Peters | 21 September 2020

Sir Tony Redmond’s proposals for a new audit oversight body are ‘dead in the water’ unless the Go...

Council leaders told to start preparing for self-isolation support scheme

By Dan Peters | 21 September 2020

English council leaders have been asked to start preparing to implement financial support for peo...

Croydon would have issued s114 'in normal circumstances'

By Dan Peters | 17 September 2020

Croydon LBC’s £49m total net forecast general fund overspend means it would have had to have issu...

'Rising star' to get new chief executive position

By Dan Peters | 16 September 2020

Cotswold DC is expected to appoint ‘a rising star in local government’ as it brings back its chie...

Decisions over miserly income guarantee deal was ministers' call

By Dan Peters | 16 September 2020

Local government calls for the income guarantee scheme to cover lost sales, fees and charges from...

Frustration bubbles over wait for Brexit bonanza

By Dan Peters | 15 September 2020

The Government runs the risk of ‘levelling up everywhere at rock bottom’ as uncertainty continues...

No by-elections before May, ministers confirm

By Dan Peters | 14 September 2020

Ministers have confirmed that no by-elections or neighbourhood planning referendums will take pla...

Section 114 warning for troubled Thanet

By Dan Peters | 14 September 2020

The Section 151 officer of troubled Thanet DC has warned he may be forced to issue a Section 114 ...

Directors warn against blanket ban on unregulated accommodation

By Dan Peters | 10 September 2020

Children’s services directors have warned against a blanket ban on placing vulnerable youngsters ...

Council moves after poverty report

By Dan Peters | 10 September 2020

Brent LBC will extend the use of its procurement powers to secure more good quality apprenticeshi...