Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Public finances improve

By Laura Sharman | 21 July 2021

The public finances improved last month as economic activity picked up though debt remains at a r...

Councils forced to suspend waste services due to staff shortages

By Laura Sharman | 20 July 2021

Several local authorities have been forced to reduce or suspend waste and recycling services due ...

County approves hybrid model of working for staff

By Laura Sharman | 19 July 2021

Nottinghamshire County Council will adopt a hybrid model of flexible working from October.

Local government funding cuts have 'probably cost lives,' study warns

By Laura Sharman | 15 July 2021

Cuts in local government funding over recent years have probably cost lives and reduced life expe...

Local government audit close to 'breaking point'

By Laura Sharman | 14 July 2021

The timeliness and quality of auditing local government spending is undermining accountability an...

Committee calls for urgent consultation on UK Shared Prosperity Fund

By Laura Sharman | 12 July 2021

Local authorities in Scotland should be consulted on how much funding they will receive under the...

Coalition calls for reforms to 'flawed' apprenticeship levy

By Laura Sharman | 09 July 2021

The Government has been urged to make urgent reforms to the 'flawed' apprenticeship levy by a coa...

Two decades of economic interventions have failed to help poorest communities, report warns

By Laura Sharman | 07 July 2021

The last 20 years of local economic interventions have consistently failed to address the inequal...

Jenrick to reduce competitive bidding

By Laura Sharman | 06 July 2021

The communities secretary has pledged to reduce the number of funds councils have to compete for ...

Welsh council to end property joint venture

By Laura Sharman | 30 June 2021

Powys CC has decided to end its joint venture with Kier, and bring housing and building maintenan...