Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Whitehall urged to scrap apprenticeship target

By Laura Sharman | 01 February 2017

Whitehall has been urged to scrap its new apprenticeship target for the public sector, a new anal...

Charity in 'unsustainable' fostering warning

By Laura Sharman | 31 January 2017

The fostering system in the UK is under ‘unsustainable strain,’ with ‘hard-won improvements’ at r...

Councils back first district merger for 40 years

By Laura Sharman | 30 January 2017

Suffolk Coastal and Waveney DCs have approved plans to formally merge and create a new ‘super dis...

Homeless figure soars by 16%

By Laura Sharman | 25 January 2017

The number of people sleeping rough in England has increased by 16% in the past year and more tha...

Reorganisation row spreads to Lincolnshire

By Dan Peters | 24 January 2017

The row over local government reorganisation has spread to Lincolnshire after the county council ...

MSPs call for abolition of election payments

By Laura Sharman | 24 January 2017

Extra payments for senior council officers to administer elections should be abolished, a report ...

LGA: Job centres failing to support unemployed

By Laura Sharman | 20 January 2017

Job centres are failing to identify and support half of all unemployed people, proving funding sh...

Glasgow in new volunteering commitment

By Laura Sharman | 19 January 2017

Glasgow City Council has pledged to get at least one in 10 of its workforce to help mentor vulner...

Double resignation after jobs become impossible

By Laura Sharman | 17 January 2017

The leader and deputy leader of Isle of Wight Council have both resigned, claiming their position...

Sheffield considers ending contract early

By Laura Sharman | 11 January 2017

Sheffield City Council is considering ending its waste management contract with Veolia 20 years e...