Homeless figure soars by 16%

The number of people sleeping rough in England has increased by 16% in the past year and more than doubled since 2010, new figures have revealed today.

The number of people sleeping rough in England has increased by 16% in the past year and more than doubled since 2010, new figures have revealed today.

Statistics released by the Department for Communities and Local Government showed local authorities counted and estimated 4,134 rough sleepers on a single night in 2016, up from 3,569 in 2015.

Westminster City Council had the highest number of rough sleepers at 260 per night, followed by Brighton and Hove City Council with 144 people.

Jon Sparkes, chief executive of homeless charity Crisis, said the number of people sleeping on England's streets had risen at an ‘appalling rate'.

He said: ‘Rough sleeping ruins lives, leaving people vulnerable to violence and abuse, and taking a dreadful toll on their mental and physical health. This is no way for anyone to live.

‘There is no time to waste. We need the Government to take action on this issue, and we stand ready to work with officials to plan and deliver an ambitious new approach.'

Lib Dem leader Tim Farron said: 'Soaring homelessness is an utter disgrace in 21st century Britain.

'Britain is one of the richest places on earth.

'It is a stain on our nation's conscience that thousands of people are still sleeping rough on the streets every night.

'It's a symptom of the housing crisis that the Government is not doing enough to tackle.'



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