Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Funding to push Shared Lives care

By Laura Sharman | 20 December 2013

The expansion of family-based care is expected to save local authorities and the NHS £50m a year.

Deal struck to buy internal audit firm

By Laura Sharman | 19 December 2013

Mazars is to acquire a company that provides internal audit services to local government.

Allowance payments to chief officers at Caerphilly were 'unlawful'

By Laura Sharman | 19 December 2013

The decision for Caerphilly County Borough Council to ‘buy out’ allowances from its chief officer...

Ministers promise intervention for struggling sponsored academies

By Laura Sharman | 16 December 2013

The DfE has warned it will take action against sponsored academies that fail to perform after tak...

AS2013: Government cuts green levies

By Laura Sharman | 05 December 2013

George Osborne confirms Government to roll back energy levies and charges, in a move to reduce av...

New legal duty for councils to support foster children

By Laura Sharman | 04 December 2013

Local authorities will be given a new legal duty to allow children to stay with foster families u...

CIPFA: Increasing council cash reserves 'essential'

By Laura Sharman | 29 November 2013

The increase in cash reserves held by councils is essential for protecting frontline services, CI...

Dual chief executive to retire

By Laura Sharman | 25 November 2013

The shared chief executive of South Hams DC and West Devon BC, Richard Sheard, has announced his ...

Regional cities are winners on economic growth

By Laura Sharman | 18 November 2013

The UK’s largest cities have been ranked behind regional cities in terms of economic growth, acco...

Stirling work to avoid strike

By Laura Sharman | 13 November 2013

Industrial action by Stirling Council staff has been suspended after a deal with trade unions.