Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Somerset councils agree joint management structure

By Laura Sharman | 13 November 2013

Taunton Deane BC and West Somerset DC have approved plans for a joint management team and shared ...

Clark: City Deal is landmark achievement

By Laura Sharman | 12 November 2013

Portsmouth and Southampton have agreed a new City Deal.

Solihull names new director of children's services

By Laura Sharman | 12 November 2013

Solihull MBC has appointed Sally Hodges as its new director of children’s services.

Scottish council pension scheme agreed

By Laura Sharman | 12 November 2013

A new pension scheme has been agreed for councils in Scotland.

Cabinet Office failing to set fair telephone charges, say MPs

By Laura Sharman | 11 November 2013

The Cabinet Office is failing to establish principles on charging for telephone calls, according ...

Survey shows councils stockpiling salt

By Laura Sharman | 11 November 2013

New figures have showed that councils are investing in new gritting equipment and increasing stoc...

GMB Scotland urges 'no' vote to Scottish independence

By Laura Sharman | 06 November 2013

GMB Scotland will be campaigning for a no vote in the 2014 referendum on Independence, but is cal...

Mitie awarded £177m council contract

By Laura Sharman | 05 November 2013

Hammersmith and Fulham LBC has signed a £177m contract for housing repairs and maintenance with M...

Brent LBC defends court action over council tax arrears

By Laura Sharman | 05 November 2013

A protest against Brent LBC issuing 3,300 residents with court summons over the non-payment of co...

Councils need consistent charging policies, says watchdog

By Laura Sharman | 31 October 2013

Councils in Scotland should have consistent and fair charging policies, according to a new report...