Author Profile

Sir Merrick Cockell

Sir Merrick Cockell

Articles by Sir Merrick Cockell

Divided devolution

By Sir Merrick Cockell | 04 December 2014

Sir Merrick Cockell says the chancellor's warm words for local government in the Autumn Statement...

Keep party politics out of our message

By Sir Merrick Cockell | 03 July 2014

Sir Merrick Cockell reflects on his accomplishments as chairman of the Local Government Associati...

Time to make a commitment

By Sir Merrick Cockell | 09 October 2013

Sir Merick Cockell wants a central government pledge for grown-up local government

Foundations for the future

By Sir Merrick Cockell | 26 June 2013

In times as tough as these, it feels like every LGA conference takes on a greater sense of import...