Author Profile

Sir Merrick Cockell

Sir Merrick Cockell

Articles by Sir Merrick Cockell

Managing with No Overall Control: tools for collaboration

By Luke Muir | 17 May 2023

With a large number of councils declaring No Overall Control Sir Merrick Cockell and Luke Muir lo...

Some sorely needed investment

By Sir Merrick Cockell | 15 July 2016

Sir Merrick Cockell asks how will volatility in the financial markets impact on local government ...

When your bond is your word

By Sir Merrick Cockell | 26 April 2016

Sir Merrick Cockell examines New Zealand’s municipal bonds agency and asks what lessons can be le...

Venturing towards a prosperous future

By Sir Merrick Cockell | 22 March 2016

The joint venture between the Greater Manchester Pension Fund and the London Pensions Fund Author...

Creating an ideal partnership

By Sir Merrick Cockell | 12 January 2016

Pooling public sector pension funds is the way forward for investment in infrastructure argues Si...

Where the funding falls

By Sir Merrick Cockell | 26 November 2015

Former LGA chair Sir Merrick Cockell casts his expert eye over the Spending Review and explains h...

Looking beyond Westminster: the local picture

By Sir Merrick Cockell | 12 May 2015

Sir Merrick Cockell ponders the significance of last week's local elections.

Fixed-cost political opportunities?

By David Rees | 05 May 2015

Local government, which is no stranger to fixed-term administrations, should take advantage of a ...

The general election is a sideshow: look local

By Sir Merrick Cockell | 05 March 2015

With the wall-to-wall coverage of the build up to the election campaign, you could be forgiven fo...

Technological triumphs for everyday use

By David Rees | 17 February 2015

2014 was the year of wearable technology – from smart watches to intelligent glasses – with over ...