Author Profile

Dominic Browne

Articles by Dominic Browne

Betts issues NPPF warning

By Dominic Browne | 27 October 2011

Lack of detail in Government’s controversial planning reforms preventing effective scrutiny by MP...

Chief seeks advice in outsourcing row

By Dominic Browne | 27 October 2011

Bournemouth Council to seek independent advice over controversial Mouchel deal, following interna...

Housing support cuts counterproductive, report warns

By Dominic Browne | 26 October 2011

Almost 90% of councils believe cuts to housing support will imperill vulnerable and displace serv...

Stunell claims much 'red tape' a myth

By Dominic Browne | 26 October 2011

A third of public complaints about ‘red tape’ posted on 'Barrier Busting' site mistaken, communit...

Fresh riots analysis shows escalating cost

By Dominic Browne | 25 October 2011

Gang members did not play a dominant role in the August riots, while those arrested mainly came f...

LGA and NHS experts join forces on public health

By Dominic Browne | 21 October 2011

Five major health bodies and the LGA set out shared position on the Government’s reform of publi...

PwC: councils 'at forefront of job cuts'

By Dominic Browne | 20 October 2011

Study on first anniversary of CSR confirms faster than planned public sector job cuts - councils ...

Localised business rates could fund care shake-up

By Dominic Browne | 19 October 2011

Andrew Dilnot, chair of the Commission on Funding of Care and Support claims full localisation of...

Exclusive: Bournemouth under fire over Mouchel 'contract'

By Dominic Browne | 19 October 2011

Official at the centre of row had questioned Bournemouth Council’s controversial outsourcing deal...

LGA 'Wraps-up' SME recycling boost

By Dominic Browne | 19 October 2011

New voluntary commitment for councils to help smaller businesses (SMEs) meet waste management bur...