Lack of detail in Government’s controversial planning reforms preventing effective scrutiny by MP...
Bournemouth Council to seek independent advice over controversial Mouchel deal, following interna...
Almost 90% of councils believe cuts to housing support will imperill vulnerable and displace serv...
A third of public complaints about ‘red tape’ posted on 'Barrier Busting' site mistaken, communit...
Gang members did not play a dominant role in the August riots, while those arrested mainly came f...
Five major health bodies and the LGA set out shared position on the Government’s reform of publi...
Study on first anniversary of CSR confirms faster than planned public sector job cuts - councils ...
Andrew Dilnot, chair of the Commission on Funding of Care and Support claims full localisation of...
Official at the centre of row had questioned Bournemouth Council’s controversial outsourcing deal...
New voluntary commitment for councils to help smaller businesses (SMEs) meet waste management bur...
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