Greater Manchester is learning from the mistakes of the capital, the leader of Trafford MBC has s...
A senior London councillor has suggested the city is on the verge of striking a new fiscal devolu...
Social landlords have been left ‘unpoliced and unaccountable,’ academics have warned as they dema...
National and local leaders will today sign a ‘landmark’ devolution deal for health and social car...
Councils have highlighted the financial cost of terror attacks amid complaints the Government is ...
A senior sector figure has torn open fresh wounds, accusing councils of stretching the truth as t...
Ofsted has named a London borough officer as its new national director for social care.
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) has named East Cambridgeshire DC's ...
Kensington & Chelsea RLBC has made three new senior appointments to lead its Grenfell recovery am...
Councils are jumping out of the ‘frying pan’ of austerity into the ‘fire’ of commercialism, insur...
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