Author Profile

Andy Sawford

Andy Sawford

Andy Sawford is former shadow local government minister

Articles by Andy Sawford

Take note of the Snooty Fox

By Andy Sawford | 11 January 2022

In the light of the legal case of the Snooty Fox, Andy Sawford urges that local government areas ...

The Audit Commission needed its wings clipped but abolition was not the answer

By Andy Sawford | 28 March 2018

Northamptonshire CC’s woes have been fuelled by a real-time experiment that failed, writes Andy S...

Devolving power from the centre

By Andy Sawford | 09 June 2015

The cause of localism has been advanced following the General Election. Andy Sawford examines how...

Liberate the education system to drive up standards

By Andy Sawford | 26 June 2013

Andy Sawford MP calls for collaboration among, freedom for and devolution to all schools, followi...

Community budgets - a supply and demand issue

By Andy Sawford | 04 June 2013

Over recent years Whitehall has repeatedly issued challenges to local government to reform, re-sh...

The transition to Universal Credit

By Andy Sawford | 24 April 2013

Andy Sawford on how councils are planning for the transition to Universal Credit, despite the lac...

The practicalities of the Children and Families Bill

By Andy Sawford | 13 March 2013

Andy Sawford does not think the aspirations of the Children and Families Bill match the reality o...

Is silence golden in the chamber?

By Andy Sawford | 05 February 2013

Andy Sawford MP suggests the hurly burly of the Commons' chamber gives select committees licence ...

Frontline councillors

By Andy Sawford | 15 January 2013

Andy Sawford explains why the first report published by the CLG select committee since he became ...

Can Labour swing it in the South?

By Andy Sawford | 13 April 2012

Andy Sawford considers how the major parties will fare in the 3 May council elections.