Author Profile

Martin Ford

Martin Ford

Articles by Martin Ford

Government steps in following Grenfell Tower outcry

By Martin Ford | 01 August 2018

The Government will take on responsibility for the Grenfell Tower site, Marsham Street has announ...

Archbishop launches One Yorkshire devolution campaign

By Martin Ford | 01 August 2018

Business bodies and politicians have joined councils in calling for the Government to ‘stop holdi...

Gedling to appoint first female chief executive

By Martin Ford | 01 August 2018

Rounding-up all the latest personnel moves in local government.

Management changes under way at 'inadequate' children's services in Wakefield

By Martin Ford | 31 July 2018

An overhaul of Wakefield City Council’s children’s services team is under way weeks after an inad...

Key to successful transformation lies in finance teams - report

By Martin Ford | 31 July 2018

Finance teams are key to driving transformation in local government, according to a new report.

Surge in data protection breaches reported

By Martin Ford | 31 July 2018

Five times more data breaches have been reported since the introduction of the General Data Prote...

Tax increases among options in LGA Green Paper

By Martin Ford | 30 July 2018

Tax increases are among the solutions to the social care crisis considered in a Green Paper launc...

Fresh calls for SEN funding as pupil numbers grow

By Martin Ford | 30 July 2018

The number of children with special educational needs (SEN) has continued to rise, piling further...

Southampton's break with Capita to affect 300 jobs

By Martin Ford | 27 July 2018

About 300 jobs are to be affected following the early break-up of a partnership between Capita an...

Leicestershire districts unite over reorganisation

By Martin Ford | 27 July 2018

District and borough councils in Leicestershire have offered the county council an olive branch o...