Chief executive of North Lanarkshire Council, Des Murray, has been announced as the new chair of ...
A finance watchdog has painted a bleak picture of the future for councils in Wales.
Bridgend CBC’s chief executive Mark Shephard has announced his retirement.
Most towns hit by unrest during the summer suffer from a ‘fraying’ of social fabric, according to...
A wave of violence swept the nation at the height of the summer. Martin Ford spoke to Sefton MBC ...
The Government hopes to ‘incentivise’ local authorities into using funding for homelessness servi...
Chief executive of East Lothian Council, Monica Patterson, is to retire from her role in February.
The Government has been warned the success of its ‘remediation acceleration plan’ for unsafe clad...
Experts have cast doubt on whether consolidation of local government pension schemes (LGPS) will ...
A London borough has been accused of having a ‘defensive complaints culture’ by a housing watchdog.
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