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Cllr David Sparks

Cllr David Sparks

Articles by Cllr David Sparks

Why your vote counts

By Cllr David Sparks | 05 May 2015

Cllr David Sparks urges the public to vote wisely to make sure local government can deliver more ...

Three steps to popular politics

By Cllr David Sparks | 22 April 2015

The devolution journey will act as the catalyst for a resurgence in democratic renewal, argues Da...

Piecemeal won't work

By Cllr David Sparks | 23 March 2015

Last week’s Budget contained some vital lobbying wins for local government, but the sector must k...

A Budget for social care funding

By Cllr David Sparks | 03 March 2015

Local government will not be sustainable without addressing social care, writes David Sparks, who...

Striking the best deal for councils in 2015

By Cllr David Sparks | 12 January 2015

Chair of the Local Government Association, Cllr David Sparks, sets out Smith Square's lobbying go...

A small victory

By Cllr David Sparks | 08 December 2014

The Autumn Statement spared local government from worse cuts and the sector won three lobbying vi...

Devolve and deliver

By Cllr David Sparks | 24 November 2014

Cllr David Sparks sets out the sector’s expectations for next week’s Autumn Statement

Are we up to the challenge?

By Cllr David Sparks | 27 October 2014

Councils are delivering on children and young people’s services, but an increased emphasis on loc...

Localism is the future for Labour

By Cllr David Sparks | 28 June 2012

Cllr David Sparks is LGA Labour group leader and leader of Dudley MBC.