Author Profile

Jack Airey

Articles by Jack Airey

A step-change in NHS devolution

By Jack Airey | 07 July 2016

The public vote for Brexit represented a national call to take back control. Jack Airey explains ...

Taking back control, but at what price?

By Jack Airey | 29 June 2016

Will councils be heard in Brexit negotiations? What next for devolution? And how will local budge...

Corbyn's council tax dilemma

By Jack Airey | 24 March 2016

Has Jeremy Corbyn dropped the ball on localism? Jack Airey says the Labour Party leader could do ...

Municipal enterprise

By Jack Airey | 13 April 2015

Local authorities should highlight their entrepreneurial flair to prove they are up to the task o...

Working challenges

By Jack Airey | 24 November 2014

Local government has had to make radical changes in the last four years to cope with austerity fi...