Author Profile

Paul Carter

Cllr Paul Carter is chairman of the County Councils' Network and leader of Kent CC

Articles by Paul Carter

Kick-starting the drive for homes

By Paul Carter | 24 June 2020

Cllr Paul Carter sets out themes and critical actions identified in a new essay collection for a ...

Kent is well placed in the event of post Brexit disruption

By Paul Carter | 08 March 2019

Leader of Kent CC Paul Carter remains optimistic that a 'sensible and pragmatic' withdrawal agree...

Growing our own talent

By Cllr Kevin Bentley | 06 February 2018

Cllr Paul Carter and Cllr Kevin Bentley celebrate nine years of the Bruce-Lockhart Scholarship as...

Councils need to be at the heart of a local skills renaissance

By Paul Carter | 06 November 2017

Cllr Paul Carter explains why he believes devolution to the counties has the power breath life in...

What happened to county devolution?

By Cllr Paul Carter | 19 September 2017

Cllr Paul Carter says the Government needs to devolve to two-tier areas as well as just cities.

Full county devolution could be perfect tonic

By Paul Carter | 04 July 2017

The Government should be ambitious and seriously consider full fiscal devolution to county areas,...

Bold steps for radical reform

By Paul Carter | 18 January 2017

Counties will be at the forefront of in the search for innovative, sustainable solutions for soci...

Taking Matters into counties' own hands

By Paul Carter | 17 August 2016

The role of counties can be transformed through bold devolution and far-reaching reform to public...

Devolution at a snail's pace

By Paul Carter | 02 August 2016

Devolution is now more relevant than ever but progress is slow and government must ditch the unne...

Teetering on the edge

By Paul Carter | 06 October 2015

Cllr Paul Carter asks how the social care market can be salvaged from breaking point.