Author Profile

Mark Greenburgh

Articles by Mark Greenburgh

Are MPs right to call for a resignation?

By Mark Greenburgh | 08 July 2022

After the education committee asked two chief executives if they considered resigning over child ...

The Government's response on standards is a missed opportunity

By Mark Greenburgh | 22 March 2022

The Government’s long-delayed response to the Committee on Standards in Public Life review of loc...

Diversity – reform starts here

By Mark Greenburgh | 24 July 2018

Mark Greenburgh examines the results of a recent national LGBT survey and muses on how this may i...

Pickles' parting DIP shot is a botched job

By Mark Greenburgh | 26 March 2015

New arrangements for chief executive dismissals are full of holes and remove key protections for ...

Spare us the broadsides, minister

By Mark Greenburgh | 26 January 2015

It seems like open season on public service pay, pensions and employment protection in the run-up...