Author Profile

Paul Lankester

Paul Lankester

Paul Lankester is chief executive of Stratford-upon-avon DC

Articles by Paul Lankester

District view by Paul Lankester

By Paul Lankester | 14 May 2014

Stratrod-on-Avon chief asks if DCLG's transparency sauce for councils is sauce for the Whitehall ...

District View by Paul Lankester

By Paul Lankester | 05 February 2014

Councils must both recruit and nurture innovation, argues Straftford-on-Avon chief executive.

District View by Paul Lankester

By Paul Lankester | 06 November 2013

As the custodians of place, districts must make the most of the new planning regime, writes Strat...

District View by Paul Lankester

By Paul Lankester | 23 September 2013

Call it Big Data or disrputive thinking, but councils should have the courage to rewire public se...

District View by Paul Lankester

By Paul Lankester | 24 July 2013

The public sector and its costs to taxpayers have long been under the microscope.

Return to spender

By Paul Lankester | 05 June 2013

Lankester ponders the balance of funding for districts.

The role of local government in the public sector world

By Paul Lankester | 17 April 2013

What an opportunity councils have to shape the role they play in society, says Paul Lankester.

Local government at the core of modern society

By Paul Lankester | 28 February 2013

The time for fiefdoms in local authorities has long since passed, says Paul Lankester.

National issues require local government involvement

By Paul Lankester | 23 January 2013

Appropriate levels of growth must be on all local authorities 'must do' list, says Paul Lankester.

The benefits of social media for local government

By Paul Lankester | 30 October 2012

The immediacy of social media is a quick and inexpensive method of getting messages out to the co...