Author Profile

Paul Lankester

Paul Lankester

Paul Lankester is chief executive of Stratford-upon-avon DC

Articles by Paul Lankester

A friend indeed

By Paul Lankester | 08 December 2015

Paul Lankester argues why districts can't be forgotten if social care services are to join up and...

Getting to know you

By Paul Lankester | 20 October 2015

Paul Lankester examines how the drive towards devolution deals has affected local partnerships.

Government has mixed message on devolution

By Paul Lankester | 03 September 2015

Reflecting on recent government documents, the difference in approach is paramount between two of...

Combined authorities hot topic at conference

By Paul Lankester | 08 July 2015

Chief executive of Stratford-upon-Avon DC, Paul Lankester, on how the combined authorities debate...

Commercially yours

By Paul Lankester | 19 May 2015

Becoming more commerical is more than a mantra for districts - and requires new skills for member...

University challenged

By Paul Lankester | 28 April 2015

Paul Lankester recounts the unenviable task of explaining the complexities of local government to...

Election test

By Paul Lankester | 30 March 2015

This premise that local government has improved electoral management will be tested on 7 May and ...

Let's enjoy the bumpy ride

By Paul Lankester | 10 February 2015

Local government is a great career because there are always new challenges to overcome. So best ...

Our day will come again

By Paul Lankester | 01 December 2014

Really innovative councils will be taking the initiative to make social media a part of ‘future-p...

It takes courage to innovate

By Paul Lankester | 13 October 2014

Most councils are actively pursuing a successful change agenda, but authorities would do well to ...