Author Profile

John Fuller

Articles by John Fuller

Devolution is back on the table

By Cllr John Fuller | 27 July 2021

It's time to continue building strong partnerships across the economic, real-life geographies aro...

Devolution must back our success in delivery

By Cllr John Fuller | 16 September 2020

The pandemic has proved again that bigger Government is not always better, says John Fuller. 'We...

Looking after communities - it's what we do

By John Fuller | 12 April 2020

District councils are supporting their communities and will be on the frontline of rebuilding the...

Working across boundaries to build better lives and stronger economies

By Cllr John Fuller | 04 March 2020

With a Budget and the devolution White Paper round the corner, residents now need the convening, ...

Getting districts 'match fit' for the global stage

By John Fuller | 21 January 2020

The District Councils’ Network (DCN) annual conference in Warwick will provide a golden opportuni...

The stage is set for districts to demonstrate their key role

By Cllr John Fuller | 14 January 2020

We hope ministers take away the message from conference next month that it is districts, backed b...

A solid financial result

By Cllr John Fuller | 18 September 2019

The annoucement of £3.5bn for councils in the Spending Round was a solid result for districts, w...

Transforming towns

By Cllr John Fuller | 24 July 2019

Councils looking for an example of how to transform their towns into vibrant areas for the 21st c...

Rebalancing the planning relationship

By Cllr John Fuller | 05 June 2019

John Fuller is looking forward to seeing if housing minister Kit Malthouse's hints translate into...

Districts are ideally placed to shape the towns of tomorrow

By Cllr John Fuller | 27 February 2019

As well as re-purposing town centres to create place-based experiences, district councils must al...