Author Profile

John Cooper

John Cooper is a fostering recruitment specialist at CAN Digital – an advertising agency delivering digital campaigns with the public sector for the past decade – and previously worked in foster carer recruitment for two local authorities and a children's trust

Articles by John Cooper

Awakening of a sleeping giant

By John Cooper | 10 January 2024

Ambition, opportunities and green technologies. South Derbyshire DC has huge potential and is wor...

National children's placement strategy required to remove 'profiteering'

By John Cooper | 13 December 2023

The president of the Association of Directors of Children’s Services has called for a national pl...

The more things change

By John Cooper | 11 December 2023

Funding and asylum policy are just two of the themes that have bookended an eventful year in loca...

AI's tipping point

By John Cooper | 04 December 2023

How will artificial intelligence change local government and the lives of residents – and can the...

No quick fix as challenges grow

By John Cooper | 04 December 2023

Ann McGauran reflects on last week’s NCAS conference, where the general mood was of determination...

NCASC: 'Watch this space' on spiralling cost of children's placements

By John Cooper | 30 November 2023

The sector should ‘watch this space’ for an announcement from the Government on the spiralling co...

NCASC: Social care 'doing a good job' getting investment

By John Cooper | 30 November 2023

Those working in adult social care are ‘already doing a very good job at getting investment and c...

Labour must 'grasp the nettle' early on social care costs

By John Cooper | 30 November 2023

Labour will ‘have to grasp the nettle fairly early on’ if it wins the General Election about the ...

NCASC: Sector 'slow in making strong case to Treasury for social care cash'

By John Cooper | 29 November 2023

The sector has been slow in making a robust case for social care  funding from the Treasury, says...

NCASC: Government must make 'some difficult decisions' on children's services

By John Cooper | 29 November 2023

The Government must make ‘some difficult decisions’ if it is ‘not able or willing’ to provide fun...