Author Profile

Matt Prosser

Articles by Matt Prosser

Shaping the future at the Summit

By Matt Prosser | 18 September 2023

Matt Prosser says while there has never been a more challenging time to work in local government,...

Learning from the past to create councils fit for the future

By Matt Prosser | 03 March 2023

Solace and Grant Thornton brought chief executives and other senior officers together to draw on ...

Learning to lead in times of crisis

By Matt Prosser | 07 October 2022

Ahead of the Solace Summit in Birmingham this week, Matt Prosser says leadership development shou...

Facing up to the workforce capacity challenge

By Matt Prosser | 27 June 2022

Without intervention and investment we are headed towards a situation of crisis, with gaps in our...

Bright future for Britain's Jurassic Coast

By Matt Prosser | 22 February 2021

Dorset Council is leading a consortium of local, national and international partners delivering t...