Author Profile

Chris Mahony

Articles by Chris Mahony

County treasurers urge London councils to hike council tax

By Chris Mahony | 04 March 2019

Inner London councils should increase their band D council tax ‘closer to the national average’ t...

Council to bask in glow of solar farm cash

By Chris Mahony | 27 February 2019

Warrington Council expects to generate an estimated operating surplus of £150m over 30 years afte...

Baby P fallout still having impact, committee hears

By Chris Mahony | 26 February 2019

High turnover rates – and the ongoing risk aversion generated by the Baby P case – are exacerbati...

Charities find children's 'cuts hotspots'

By Chris Mahony | 26 February 2019

Per capita funding for children’s services has fallen by more than 30% since 2010, with London bo...

NLGN in fresh fiscal devolution call

By Chris Mahony | 26 February 2019

Only full fiscal devolution with comprehensive tax-raising powers at a local level will deliver t...

Three-year rates revaluation cycle to come to Scotland

By Chris Mahony | 25 February 2019

The Scottish Government will introduce a three-year business rates revaluation cycle to ensure th...

Pensions uncertainty could last until 2020

By Chris Mahony | 25 February 2019

Uncertainty over the true value of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) could ‘rumble on in...

MPs pile pressure on Government over business rates reform

By Chris Mahony | 21 February 2019

MPs have urged ministers to assess specific proposals for reforming business rates by the autumn.

Rotherham scandal continues to hit council finances

By Chris Mahony | 19 February 2019

The aftermath of Rotherham’s child exploitation scandal continues to hit council finances with an...

LGA in low income household call

By Chris Mahony | 19 February 2019

The Spending Review must restore councils’ ability to support low income households, Smith Square...