Author Profile

Chris Mahony

Articles by Chris Mahony

Inflation may drive increased insourcing

By Dan Peters | 03 October 2022

Councils may be propelled to bring services back in-house to escape contracts tied to inflation a...

Leadership candidates both pledge to protect green belt

By Chris Mahony | 18 August 2022

The final two candidates in the Conservative Party leadership’s race have pledged to either revie...

Capital borrowing falls by a fifth in two years, data reveals

By Chris Mahony | 02 August 2022

Councils’ prudential borrowing for capital expenditure has fallen 22% in two years, official data...

Employers put forward flat rate rise in council staff pay

By Chris Mahony | 25 July 2022

Employers have offered a flat rate pay rise of £1,925 to all staff. 

Bradford faces £34m overspend after children's services 'assumptions'

By Chris Mahony | 25 July 2022

An ‘incorrect assumption from an internal document’ contributed to Bradford City Council’s childr...

Kent calls for urgent response to Dover chaos

By Chris Mahony | 25 July 2022

Kent CC and its local partners have called for an urgent national response to the chaos and delay...

Sandwell refuse workers call halt to strike

By Chris Mahony | 22 July 2022

Refuse workers in Sandwell MBC have called off a planned strike due to start next week after acce...

EXCLUSIVE: Employers warn against local pay deals

By Chris Mahony | 19 July 2022

Councils have been warned against undermining the ‘fundamental integrity’ of national talks by ag...

Government urged to scale up levelling up

By Chris Mahony | 18 July 2022

The Government is focusing on the right issues as part of its levelling up agenda but needs to dr...

Inflation crisis hitting North worse than London, think-tank finds

By Chris Mahony | 18 July 2022

Poorly-insulated homes and inadequate public transport mean the inflation crisis is hitting citie...