Officers in Haringey LBC have warned that the Labour administration’s use of £5.5m of reserves to...
Smith Square faces an unexpected bill of up to £1m to cover the start-up costs of the insurance v...
Ministers have been accused of irrational policy-making by funding prevention in the NHS while fo...
A watchdog has called for an extension of the Freedom of Information Act to cover outsourcers and...
Cities have borne the brunt of austerity, a report out today has warned.
Smith Square has acknowledged the financial challenges it faces as it freezes subscriptions while...
A nine-fold variation in spending on children’s social care could largely be down to ‘differences...
Liberty and 11 disability groups led by Mind have attacked the Government’s bill aimed at reformi...
The projected overspend facing Highland Council’s care, learning and housing department more than...
Councils and their health and education partners should be handed responsibility for supporting ‘...
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