Author Profile

Chris Mahony

Articles by Chris Mahony

Councils told to face up to financial challenges

By Martin Ford | 03 November 2021

Local authorities urged to face up to the tough financial decisions in wake of Wirral and Peterbo...

Council firm loses millions of pounds

By Chris Mahony | 02 November 2021

A property development firm established by Cambridgeshire CC to provide a new revenue stream lost...

Minister eyes council intervention

By Chris Mahony | 02 November 2021

The Northern Ireland communities minister has said she will not hesitate to intervene in troubled...

Pincher defends planning reforms

By Chris Mahony | 02 November 2021

The Government’s revised proposals for planning reforms will seek to make the system more accessi...

Powys' savings off target

By Chris Mahony | 01 November 2021

Powys CC’s savings plans are 22% off target more than halfway through the financial year, senior ...

Commissioners to monitor Slough improvement plan

By Chris Mahony | 26 October 2021

Mismanagement and a dysfunctional culture contributed to Slough Council’s financial meltdown, two...

Driscoll backs regional wealth funds

By Chris Mahony | 25 October 2021

The Government should create regional wealth funds that could borrow hundreds of millions of poun...

Pension funds urged to help achieve green economy switch

By Chris Mahony | 19 October 2021

Parliamentarians have urged local government pension funds to play an active role in achieving a ...

EXCLUSIVE: Gove to be quizzed on councillor security

By Chris Mahony | 19 October 2021

MPs are to question local government secretary Michael Gove on the security of councillors follow...

Sunak warned of greater future costs without public service investment

By Chris Mahony | 19 October 2021

Chancellor Rishi Sunak must swiftly invest in public services hit hardest by the pandemic or face...