Author Profile

Mike Britch

Mike Britch is Norse Group managing director

Articles by Mike Britch

Collaboration is key to a bright future

By Mike Britch | 10 January 2018

The integration of property and other frontine services is a new phenomenon, but one which is gro...

There's more than just economics to a contract's value

By Mike Britch is Managing Director of Norse Group | 09 November 2017

Procurement can and must be based on more than just financial value, writes Mike Britch.

Future Forum 2017: Transformation pace and agility versus joint ventures

By Mike Britch | 02 May 2017

Mike Britch, managing director of the Norse Group, explains how his company worked with Peterboro...

Double Devolution – empowering communities

By Mike Britch | 29 March 2017

People power is a force to be reckoned with and individuals want a greater say in decision making...

Norse South East – a new era for environmental services in Havant

By Mike Britch | 05 July 2016

Mike Britch explains the work of a new Norse Joint Venture Company in Havant

Innovative Partnership delivers stunning care village in Norfolk

By Mike Britch | 30 June 2016

Construction of an £18.9m care village near Norwich has bought together services to return millio...

Commercial trading – the answer to unlocking value

By Karen Knight | 23 June 2015

The focus over the coming years will be both to get better value out of the public sector and to ...