Author Profile

Cllr Sharon Taylor

Articles by Cllr Sharon Taylor

This provisional settlement makes the job of districts harder

By Cllr Sharon Taylor | 20 December 2021

The Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement falls short of what district councils need an...

Cash is welcome but not the only answer

By Cllr Sharon Taylor | 02 November 2021

The funding for local government revealed by the chancellor in last week’s Spending Review is wel...

Spending review: The road ahead is still paved with uncertainty

By Cllr Sharon Taylor | 27 November 2020

The efforts of local government during the pandemic have been astounding, which makes the public ...

Don't push us off the precipice

By Cllr Sharon Taylor | 29 October 2019

The sudden increase in the PWLB lending rate has the potential to cripple local authorities’ abil...

The NHB reforms are unfair and counterproductive

By Cllr Sharon Taylor | 16 January 2017

Cllr Sharon Taylor reacts to the Government's finance settlement consultation.