Author Profile

David Walker

David Walker

David Walker is former director of public reporting at the Audit Commission

Articles by David Walker

Agents for change

By David Walker | 15 October 2013

David Walker celebrates the demise of LEPs, urging combined authorities to unite

A taxing season

By David Walker | 11 September 2013

David Walker casts a critical eye over the policies and issues that have defined Eric Pickles’ su...

Putting inspection under scrutiny

By David Walker | 31 July 2013

The Institute for Government recently convened a group to look at the background to the abolition...

Aiming to avoid the blows

By David Walker | 12 July 2013

The LGA has broken new ground and come out fighting. But, asks David Walker, where is the cash t...

Councils clean up the mess

By David Walker | 09 May 2013

Town halls will have to step up if they are to ease the impact welfare policies have on their com...

Adminstrative chaos is just the beginning

By David Walker | 03 April 2013

Pressure on councils to deal with schools' administrative mayhem could be an attempt to parental ...

Open all hours

By David Walker | 27 February 2013

Councils are pouring out data with little interpretation to make it useful, complains David Walker.

Mid-term muddle is political fiction

By David Walker | 22 January 2013

The Government's mid-term review claims it has decentralised. David Walker begs to differ.

No point starting from 'zero'

By David Walker | 11 October 2012

Labour's idea of undertaking a 'zero' approach to public spending has been suggested before – and...

Game changers

By David Walker | 23 August 2012

Councils need to build on the success of the Olympics by developing a new generation of local spo...