Author Profile

David Walker

David Walker

David Walker is former director of public reporting at the Audit Commission

Articles by David Walker

Trouble among the families

By David Walker | 20 June 2012

Councils have been left to deal with the Government's 'troubled families' initiative with no help...

A healthy relationship with GPs

By David Walker | 30 May 2012

David Walker claims there is a lot more that councils could be doing in the future for the health...

Life after the commission

By David Walker | 27 April 2012

The repercussions of axing the unloved Audit Commission are just beginning to emerge, as David Wa...

Are councils taking a bashing from the coalition?

By David Walker | 28 March 2012

In the wake of the latest Budget,David Walker questions whether local authorities are being given...

It's important to pay taxes

By David Walker | 29 February 2012

Paying tax is important for a civilised society and public bodies depend on it says David Walker.

New legislation means a bigger workload for councillors

By David Walker | 02 February 2012

All these new responsibilities such as public health, benefits and community safety mean an even ...

Grandstand view

By David Walker | 09 November 2011

David Cameron, has shown himself to be as interventionist and intolerant as any of his predecesso...

Do we need chief executives?

By David Walker | 18 October 2011

In both Wiltshire and Whitehall, it seems that whim and gut feelings rather than evidence drive d...

Where else to turn in times of social stress?

By David Walker | 17 August 2011

Only local authorities have the flexibility and common sense to organise the practical help commu...

A reality check for localism

By David Walker | 21 July 2011

The Dilnot report is a ‘1948 moment’ as it favours finding a centralist solution to social care, ...