Author Profile

Max Wide

Articles by Max Wide

Are we building back better or bleaker?

By Max Wide | 27 June 2022

We glimpsed a reimagined world during the pandemic, but there is a certain bleakness stemming fro...

21st century leadership, technology and climate change

By Max Wide | 15 May 2019

A number of councils in the UK have declared a climate change emergency. Max Wide says that while...

Four paths to our future workforce

By Max Wide | 13 March 2019

Max Wide looks ahead and asks how local government can avoid ending up as a set of ageing organis...

Eastern promise?

By Max Wide | 13 April 2015

Mike Bennett and Max Wide fear too many local authorities see commissioning as a new spin on old-...

Redesigning public services from the outside in

By Max Wide | 10 March 2015

Sandy Hopkins and Max Wide explain what’s driving the Society of Local Authority Chief Executive'...