Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Support service for enterprises unveiled

By Jamie Hailstone | 13 June 2012

The University of Northampton launched a new national support service for the British social ente...

Private residents' fees 'subsiding council care'

By Jamie Hailstone | 13 June 2012

Care homes are over-charging private residents to subsidise council-funded placements, according ...

Midlands councils and landlords join forces

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 June 2012

Councils and housing associations in the West Midlands agree to work together to help tenants pre...

Care cash 'spent to prop up services'

By Jamie Hailstone | 07 June 2012

More than £110m of additional government funding set aside to improve elderly care has been spent...

'Cut red tape to build homes' ministers told

By Jamie Hailstone | 07 June 2012

Council chiefs this week urged the Government to remove some of the red tape preventing new homes...

Outside placements a 'threat to at-risk kids'

By Jamie Hailstone | 07 June 2012

According to Rochdale MBC and the NSPCC vulnerable young people could be at risk due to legal loo...

County signs up Barclays for historic banking deal

By Jamie Hailstone | 07 June 2012

Lincolnshire CC and Barclays have signed the biggest banking deal in local government for more th...

Staff welcome Treasury 'climb down' over LGPS

By Jamie Hailstone | 07 June 2012

Council employers and trade unions are quietly celebrating the proposed deal over LGPS reforms, a...

Tax U-turn a victory 'for common sense'

By Jamie Hailstone | 07 June 2012

Third sector organisations have hailed the Government's U-turn on capping tax relief on charitabl...

Lincolnshire votes on wind farm limits

By Jamie Hailstone | 06 June 2012

Members of Lincolnshire CC will vote today on a new wind farm policy.