A council-owned business with a turnover of £50m a year could be sold off to ease local governmen...
Kensington and Chelsea RLBC leader Sir Merrick Cockell elected new chairman of the Local Governme...
IFS warns the Government may need to rethink its spending cuts plans.
Two of Britain’s largest outsourcing companies have said they are not expecting the public sector...
Atkins has announced underlying operating profits rose by 7.5% in the last year.
Trade union bosses in Southampton have announced another wave of strikes as the row over pay cont...
Shadow minister Lord Beecham has called on the Government to include the Local Government Associa...
Southern Cross has reached a deal with its landlords to ensure the future of the firm.
Business leaders have accused the Government of losing its way on public sector reform.
The National Association of Voluntary and Community Associations has called on charities to lobby...
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