Author Profile

Judith Barnes

Articles by Judith Barnes

Dealing with disciplinary investigations

By Sarah Lamont | 18 June 2019

Serious disciplinary allegations against a chief executive or other statutory officer are never w...

Local authorities in the Brexit era

By Judith Barnes | 12 July 2016

The implications of Brexit on local government are becoming clearer, says Judith Barnes

Local authorities have a key role to play in STPs

By Judith Barnes | 30 June 2016

Councils need to ensure they have a meaningful voice on STPs and differences between organisation...

A healthy new direction or a costly gamble?

By Ros Ashcfort | 03 March 2015

Judith Barnes and Ros Ashcroft examine the legal and constitutional implictions of Greater Manche...

Core Cities leaving LGA's orbit?

By Judith Barnes | 04 April 2013

Judith Barnes asks whether the Core Cities' desire to go it alone marks an economic parting of th...