Author Profile

MJ reporter

Articles by MJ reporter

Ofsted's negative child care report slated by LGA

By MJ reporter | 11 April 2014

The care and support given to young people in residential homes outside their home council area m...

Minister launches three adoption agencies

By MJ reporter | 11 April 2014

Three new voluntary adoption agencies have been launched, as part of the £16m Government programm...

Council considers legal action to save hospital services

By MJ reporter | 11 April 2014

Richmondshire DC is taking legal advice in a bid to save services at a local hospital, which are ...

£600k welfare reform fund launched

By MJ reporter | 02 April 2014

The Scottish Government has launched a new £600,000 fund to help councils ‘mitigate’ the effects ...

Division of audit tasks to boost councils

By MJ reporter | 02 April 2014

Local authorities are to see their audit fees decrease by a further 25% from 2015/16.

Former head of Number 10 policy unit to take on Norfolk

By MJ reporter | 21 March 2014

The former head of a No 10 policy unit – and former Newham LBC chief - has made a surprise return...

COSLA leader hits back at critics with LGA comparison

By MJ reporter | 13 March 2014

The leader of COSLA has defended his under-fire organisation.

Council beats the buskers

By MJ reporter | 12 March 2014

Camden LBC has won a High Court battle over plans to require buskers to hold a licence.

Business leaders call for councils to list assets online

By MJ reporter | 06 March 2014

Local authorities should list all their property assets online, leading employers group, the CBI,...

Councils told to report addiction fight progress

By MJ reporter | 06 March 2014

Public health bosses are to write to every council in England to find out what progress is being ...