The funding review should ensure the multi-year settlement delivers a period of sustainable, stab...
Council tax equalisation – a ‘reset’ in the system - would offset a decade of mismatched funding ...
The policy statement is a welcome first step in resetting the relationship between funding and ne...
The hope is that the Budget may finally mark the beginning of some certainty for local government...
Cllr Sir Stephen Houghton says local government stand ready to rebuild public services, deliverin...
Existing funding needs to be distributed more fairly, and stability must be returned to the syste...
The manifestos contained a welcome agreement on multi-year settlements, but big questions remain ...
The significant variation across the country in the rates of children in care highlights the impo...
Cllr Sir Stephen Houghton says many will highlight that cuts in local government spending mean th...
The Household Support Fund is a crucial way for councils to help residents with the costs of livi...
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