The upcoming election offers a fantastic opportunity to get debates around local government fundi...
Forced cutbacks and savings from councils over the next few years risk outweighing the new regene...
As the Labour Party begins to release more information on how its 5 Missions are to be achieved, ...
Joining the dots between funding cuts and the impact on life expectancy has not been hard, says C...
The provisional financial settlement fails to offer any real Christmas cheer for local authoritie...
Chair of the Special Interest Group of Municipal Authorities (SIGOMA) Cllr Stephen Houghton has t...
Sir Stephen Houghton says fiscal devolution is not a ‘levelling up’ silver bullet – and a new ref...
The Fair Funding Review presents a huge opportunity to get ‘levelling up’ back on track, says Cll...
Chair of the Special Interest Group of Municipal Authorities, Sir Stephen Houghton, says unless e...
If the Government is sure the UK Shared Prosperity Fund provides a real terms match for every LEP...
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