Localis chief executive on the need for the public sector to learn from Dodgeball and play as one...
Health and care integration is easier said than done, argues Localis chief executive.
Localis chief detected signs of a quantum shift in support for full-throated localism at the part...
Localis chief executive's ode to the autumnal joys of party conference season 2013.
The mood at the LGA conference seemed to me to be reasonably upbeat – which is perhaps surprising...
Alex Thomson on what newly elected councillors can expect from their new role.
Alex Thomson says meeting residents' expectations is a thankless task as anyone who has worked in...
The coalition Government's decision to give councils a strategic role in health is very welcome, ...
Alex Thomson on how co-operation between neighbouring authorities has become increasingly important.
Amidst financial unstability within local government, the role of political leaders has never bee...
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