Te last few months have shown, received opinion is often more groupthink than meaningful insight,...
Another stint of multi-party government could well prove a great benefit and source of empowermen...
Alex Thomson comments on a report which examines how greater LEP empowerment will be of benefit t...
The door is open for the political party prepared to champion positive, popular and radical polic...
Local government faces three key challenges in greater commercialism, local growth and health and...
It’s great to see the two major political parties fighting it out for the most localist title.
Localis chief says councils must learn where Roy Hodgson failed in managing expectations.
Localis chief joins the dots between football, local government and transparency.
Alex Thomson breaks down the arguments for and against commissioning services, as local authoriti...
The use of public land has, once more, become an acute issue, with big implicaitons for local gov...
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