Author Profile

Kate Willard

Kate Willard is the Thames Estuary Envoy

Articles by Kate Willard

The future remains bright for investment zones

By Kate Willard | 29 November 2022

Whitehall connectivity and creativity to overcome policy barriers will be more valuable for inves...

Sparking a digital revolution in the Thames Estuary

By Kate Willard | 26 March 2021

Catalysing best-in-class digital infrastructure in the Thames Estuary is key to providing benefit...

Guiding freeport proposals in the Thames Estuary

By Perry Glading | 07 December 2020

Kate Willard and Perry Glading outline the Thames Estuary Growth Board’s guiding principles for f...

Building back the Thames Estuary

By Kate Willard | 10 August 2020

The Thames Estuary can make a real contribution to the economy – but it will need the freedom to ...