Author Profile

Rachel Salveta

Articles by Rachel Salveta

Levelling up failure warning

By Rachel Salveta | 25 May 2023

Ministers’ flagship levelling up policy will fail without long-term substantive funding, accordin...

Gove approves Teesworks probe

By Rachel Salveta | 25 May 2023

Local government secretary Michael Gove has given the green light for a probe into Teesworks corr...

Care homes 'at risk of closure'

By Rachel Salveta | 25 May 2023

Care homes in Scotland have warned they are at risk of closure as they rejected a 6% fee increase...

Morris: Vulnerable youngsters failed by care system

By Rachel Salveta | 24 May 2023

‘Vulnerable young people are being failed’ by the children’s social care system, a former educati...

Call for removal of council tax prison threat

By Rachel Salveta | 24 May 2023

England should follow Scotland and Wales by removing the threat of prison for the non-payment of ...

Birmingham scolded over housing

By Rachel Salveta | 24 May 2023

Around 23,000 social homes owned by Birmingham City Council do not meet the Decent Homes Standard.