Author Profile

Martin Cresswell

Articles by Martin Cresswell

Embracing innovation is key to LATCOs

By Martin Cresswell | 11 September 2023

Martin Cresswell looks at the factors contributing to the success of Local Authority Trading Com...

Recruiting the 21st century public servant

By Martin Cresswell | 30 August 2017

Martin Cresswell says a rethink of the way organisations select individuals to perform new roles ...

Finding the right chief Brex-ecutive

By Martin Cresswell | 13 July 2016

What will local government need from its chief executives following Brexit? Martin Cresswell exam...

Form follows function

By Martin Cresswell | 03 May 2016

Martin Cresswell says the Government’s devolution revolution has done little to put citizens at t...

The art of modern leadership

By Martin Cresswell | 09 April 2015

Modern public leadership will be shaped by those of us who are less interested in how we have per...

Autumn Statement: what to do now the circus has left town?

By Martin Cresswell | 11 December 2014

Local government must not allow the political expediency of the Autumn Statement to deflect it fr...

Changing behavioural interaction for a brave new future

By Martin Cresswell | 21 November 2013

Planning for a creative shift in demand management will become crucial for councils post-2015 arg...

A service punching below its weight

By Martin Cresswell | 04 September 2013

Martin Cresswell calls for a national conversation to save children’s social services, and assess...