Author Profile

Simon Parker

Simon Parker

Simon Parker is director of local government think tank the New Local Government Network

Articles by Simon Parker

The trailblazing City Deals

By Simon Parker | 06 March 2013

City Deals are the most exciting game in town for local government, says Simon Parker.

The core role of local government

By Simon Parker | 07 February 2013

Local government has a powerful tradition of combining social purpose with cultural vision, says ...

An austere future for local government

By Simon Parker | 09 January 2013

Simon Parker says local government is probably not going to stop the cuts juggernaut in 2013.

Reaching for the moon

By Simon Parker | 30 October 2012

An astronomical effort is needed now to reform public services for the future, according to Simon...

Smart thinking

By Simon Parker | 06 September 2012

New business models are being developed which might mark the beginning of a renaissance for share...

The second coming of localism?

By Simon Parker | 27 June 2012

Simon Parker bemoans the coalition’s muted approach to localism thus far, and makes the case for ...

Commissioning a new approach?

By Simon Parker | 13 April 2012

Ministers appear ready to accept the idea of 'democratic decentralisation' of commissioning power...

Four key messages of the Budget

By Simon Parker | 29 March 2012

Following George Osborne's Budget speech last week, Simon Parker looks at the impact on local gov...

The race for financial autonomy

By Simon Parker | 08 February 2012

Changes to business rates look set to give district councils more autonomy over local economic gr...

Bringing choice to kerbside recycling

By Simon Parker | 27 September 2011

The future looks bright for environmental services, but only if councils take a more radical appr...